NAPgA Rendezvous 2017 A Success!
Many thanks to all the wonderful folks who attended Rendy 2017 in Lake City, CO. You made this event work! We especially want to thank all the generous folks who donated some really incredible items to the store/auction this year! It was amazing and the fundraiser was a huge success! Finally, special thank-you’s go out to Maggie Highland for coming so far to share about Bighorn disease research, to John Mionczynski for traveling down to share his wealth of wisdom and experience, to
Edna Mason of the Lake City Forest Service for sharing her experiences working with Bighorns and domestic sheep grazing issues in the Lake City area, and to Jim Lovelace and Elijah Waters of the Gunnison BLM office for allowing us to host this event in Lake City. A great time was had by all!
Grant Houston, editor of the Lake City Silver World newspaper was impressed with our group and did a nice write-up about it here:
If you have photos and/or videos of the Rendy that you would like to share, please use the “Contact Us” page to get in touch with Nan Hassey.
Here are a few Rendy highlights:
Driving class with Nan and Phil Hassey
Conformation class with Carolyn Eddy
Work project on the Alpine Gulch Trail, including rerouting water, rebuilding trail with rock, and building bridges over the swollen creek.