
2025 NAPgA Rendezvous June 20th to 22nd!

Idaho here we come!

Location:  The Rendy site is in the works.  Plan to visit Idaho (Island Park Area) to celebrate NAPgA's 25th Anniversary.  As soon as we get confirmation from the Forest, we will have details on the area.

Rendy Schedule: Rendy Schedule


Cell Service:  

Camping:  This is a primitive camping area is shaded by ponderosa pines.  We will provide portable outhouses.  Remember what we pack in, we pack out, including waste.  Leave No Trace.  Certified weed free hay is required.

Alternative Lodging: 

Water:  BRING WATER FOR YOU AND YOUR GOATS.  There will be no water available. 

Meals:  Potluck style meals Friday and Saturday night, breakfast potluck Saturday and Sunday mornings.  Cook up your best campfire dish to share.

Once again we will host a Trail Trial!  Saturday morning Kids (the human ones) will have an opportunity to test their skills as packgoat handlers with their very own goats.  Don’t have goat?  We will supply one!  Adults!  we will give you an opportunity to test your trail leading skills too.

Please share this information with your local 4H and FFA groups.  We welcome all kids (the human ones) and their families to join !

The Youth Trail Trial will be for three different age groups with three different goat age categories.

    • All youth can enter 3 different classes using age appropriate goats.
    • Awards will be given in each class, with an overall high point belt buckle for each age group
    • The course will consist of obstacles commonly found on the trail
    • FREE entry for all youth

Trail Trial Entry Form Fillable

Youth Age Goat Age Goat Age Goat Age

3 - 7   yrs

 2 yrs & younger 3 yr old 4 yr & older
8 - 12 yrs 2 yrs & younger 3 yr old 4 yr & older
13-18 yrs 2 yrs & younger 3 yr old 4 yr & older


Rules of the Rendy

All out of state goats must have health certificates. State law requires that all goats brought in from other states must have a recent, veterinarian-issued health certificate and be individually identified by either a scrapie tag or tattoos and/or microchip with registration papers.

NAPgA Best Management Practices are required. Please follow them.

Goats need to be tethered, corralled or leashed at all times.

Use only certified weed-free hay. This is a Forest Service/BLM rule for all pack stock.  Please obey it.

Protect the trees. Goats love to strip trees, so please tether or pen your goats where they can’t destroy them.

Ask permission before you pet. Some people do not want you touching their goats, and some goats don’t like strangers.  We also don’t want to spread germs.  Baby goats are especially susceptible to getting sick from bacteria that older goats are resistant to, do not touch them without the owner’s permission.  Please use hand sanitizer before and after handling kids.  Let’s keep our goats healthy!

Control your dogs. Do NOT let your dog wander or allow it to approach other people’s goats.  Keep dogs on a maximum 6-foot leash when near goats or people.  Always pick up after your dog.

Use the porta-potties. NAPgA has rented porta-potties for our use.  Do NOT use the vault toilet.  Leave it for the folks who aren’t part of our Rendy.

Supervise your children.  We love to see kids run and play but please do not allow them to disrupt talks or disturb other campers.

This is bear and cougar country.  Store your trash and food every evening so it does not attract them.  Keep your eyes and ears open, carry bear spray and watch your children, especially dusk to dawn.  Use bells on your goats at night so you can hear them startle.

“Leave No Trace.” Please pick up everything around your camp before leaving, including old hay and bedding.  Disperse goat droppings so they don’t impact future recreationists.  Once you’ve moved your tent or trailer check your camp again.  Pack it up, pack it out.

Quiet time is 10:00 pm to 7:00 am.

Who can host a Rendezvous?

Any NAPgA member in good standing can volunteer to host a Rendezvous.  In addition, rendezvous do not need to be limited to the single annual event held in June.  You may wish to hold a rendezvous or smaller “meet-up” near you.  NAPgA has a team of experienced rendezvous members who are ready and willing to help you. You can contact the Rendezvous Committee via email at