Calendar Contest

Each fall NAPgA holds a Calendar Contest. Take photos throughout the year and then submit them! We’ll announce the Calendar Contest submission dates via our News Alerts and social media. Calendars will be available for sale beginning December 1st.


Submit Photos

September 30th - October 15th


October 16th - October 31st


Let the voting begin!

This year we are doing things a little differently.  You will have the opportunity to rate each photo on a scale of one to five with five being the best.  You can set your own judging standard. Your vote won’t be final until you press the submit button after the last picture.  To view each photo in a larger format right click on the photo and open it in a new tab.

Here is how to vote:

Log into NAPgA and click on the Calendar Contest tab.  You will be taken to the information for the Calendar Contest.  Scroll down until you see a space to type in your first and last name.  This is required to vote.  And just below your name are this year’s submitted pictures.

Below each picture are 5 circles/stars. If you think a picture is outstanding give it 5 stars. If it’s just ok, give it 2 or 3 or 4 or 1.  You are the judge.  You don’t have to rate every picture.  You can rate as many as you want.  The 12 pictures with the highest average of stars will be used in the 2024 Calendar.

Once you have viewed and rated the pictures, hit the submit button and you are finished.

Voting will end October 31st at 8PM PST.

Thank you for submitting photos and helping us design the 2024 NAPgA Calendar.  The calendars will be available for purchase by December 1st for $20.00,  shipping included.  They make great Christmas gifts!
