NAPgA is a volunteer organization and relies on its members to complete specific projects and meet the organizational goals identified by NAPgA’s members and the Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on any of these committees please contact us.
Advocacy/Legal Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Tracking forest plans and other proposed rules and regulations by local, state, and federal land managers that may impact the ability of NAPgA, its members, and the goatpacking community to access and recreate with their goats on public lands.
- Immediately inform the Board of upcoming proposed forest plans and other rules or regulations being proposed by public land management agencies that warrant a response from NAPgA and/or its members.
- Create “call to action” items, notices, alerts, and other content for webmaster/social media chair to communicate proposed language for members to use in their responses, critical dates and deadlines, and other relevant information.
- Attend all NAPgA Board meetings and give an update.
Committee Chair: Chris Gifford
Committee Members: Curtis King, Nancy Clough
American Goat Federation (AGF) Representative
Summary of Duties:
- Represent NAPgA at AGF meetings.
- Inform the Board immediately if there are any proposals which require immediate attention.
- Attend NAPgA Board meetings and give updates as needed.
Representative: Nancy Tanner
Finance Committee
Summary of Duties:
- The Investment Committee is responsible for investigating options for investing NAPgA funds pursuant to the IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit regulations and bringing those recommendations to the Board to vote upon.
Committee Chair: Diane Miller
Committee Members: Chris Gifford, Margaret Scott, Gloria Luz Lorenzo, Taffy Mercer
Marketing Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Annual NAPgA calendar contest, creation, and sales.
- Sales and shipping of NAPgA saleable goods (calendars, hats, decals, t-shirts, etc.).
- Manage inventory and advise the Board when items need purchased.
- Prepare NAPgA Ambassador tube with materials, banner, and thumb drive (or files can be emailed). Mail tubes to NAPgA members who request them, make sure it is returned and re-staged for the next use. Encourage members who check the tubes out to write an article about the presentation, including photos, and e-mail it to the Marketing Committee who will then forward it to the NAPgA Newsletter Editor.
- NAPgA Auction.
- Set and maintain a min/max inventory of business cards and BMP cards. Advise Board when more are needed.
- Recruiting new members and maintaining existing membership.
- Work to build partnerships with other like-minded organizations and federal land agencies.
- Attend all NAPgA Board meetings and give a report on the saleable goods.
Committee Chair: Nathan Putnam
Committee Members: Margaret Scott, Candace Ahern,, Nancy Clough
Newsletter Editor
Summary of Duties:
- Publishing a newsletter within one week after each board meeting that NAPgA members, or the public, with appropriate highlights from the board meeting and other timely information.
Committee Chair: Candace Ahern
Committee Members: Chris Gifford, Diane Miller
Rendezvous Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Locating sites suitable for rendezvous.
- Enlisting rendezvous location host(s).
- Helping the host(s) with all aspects of Rendy organization (permits, porta potties, firewood, classes, etc.).
- Attend NAPgA board meetings and give updates as needed.
Committee Chair: Margaret Scott
Committee Members: Nathan Putnam, Kathleen & Jeremy Martin
Social Media Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Maintain an active presence on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media platform NAPgA takes part in.
- Moderating/appointing moderators to social media to keep posts appropriate and on topic.
- Continually update NAPgA social media sites with valuable and timely information.
- Correspond with other packgoat social media sites to share information and education (i.e. Facebook – Hiking with Pack Goats, Pack and Cart Goats, New Homes for Pack Goats, Packgoat Network).
- Attend all NAPgA Board meetings and give a report on NAPgA’s social media presence.
Committee Chair: Nathan Putnam
Committee Members: Chris Gifford, Margaret Scott, Taffy Mercer
Urolithiasis (UC) Research Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Communicate with the researcher and committee members about the project.
- Monitor the project process and progress.
- Attend all NAPgA Board meetings and give an update.
Committee Chair: Taffy Mercer
Committee Members: Chris Gifford, Maggie Highland, Margaret Scott, Andrea Prise
Virtual Auction Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Solicit donations for the Virtual Auction.
- Setup the Virtual Auction on the Charity Auctions Today website.
- Create announcements for emails and social media for the Virtual Auction.
Committee Chair: Margaret Scott
Committee Members: Candace Ahern, Nancy Clough
Website Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Ensure the website is functioning properly.
- Keep the website up to date on best practices (mobile optimization, etc.).
- Maintain the website as one of NAPgA’s major forms of publicity and communication..
- Create an educational experience for NAPgA members and the public at large.
- Maintain calendar of events including advocacy dates.
- Generate website content and revise web pages as needed.
- Make Board approved changes to the website format.
- Attend all NAPgA Board meetings and give a report on the website.
Co-Chairs: Chris Gifford, Margaret Scott, Taffy Mercer
Youth Awards Committee
Summary of Duties:
- Develop guidelines, applications, review process, etc.
- Receive applications and review them.
- Make recommendations to the Board for application winners.
Committee Co-Chairs: Margaret Scott, Taffy Mercer
Packgoat Registry
Summary of Duties:
- Develop guidelines and criteria for a Packgoat Registry
Committee Chair: Margaret Scott
Committee Members: Nathan Putnam, Diane Miller, Kent Daniels