NAPgA Needs YOU!
The NAPgA Nomination Committee is currently seeking nominations for the Board of Directors. There are 3 positions open. You may nominate yourself or nominate someone else to serve in one of these positions. Nominations close November 29, 2022. A slate of candidates will be emailed to NAPgA members on December 1 for voting. Please contact Chris Gifford at with nominations.
We have an exceptional group of members with a wide variety of interests, skills, training, experience, and talents. NAPgA’s Members are our greatest asset and we need you to help us tap into all of the benefits YOU can bring to the table to help our causes for the benefit packgoats and goat owners in general.
We are working on numerous exciting and critically important projects and we need your help. A few of the things in the works include:
1. A newly designed and improved website.
2. The citizen science urinary calculi research study.
3. The possibility of having an independent review of all relevant research regarding the risk of disease transmission between packgoats and wild bighorn sheep.
3. Responding to the banning of packgoats on twelve (12) Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife managed wildlife areas.
4. Continually monitoring and responding to United States Forest Service and other land management agency planning that include efforts to restrict or deny the use of packgoats on public land across the country.
5. Coordinating and planning special events such as our photo calendar contest, virtual fundraiser auction, the Rendezvous, a youth scholarship program, and many other things.
We need your help! Please, please, please, consider running for a position on NAPgA’s Board of Directors. If you aren’t quite ready to run, nominate someone who you think would be a good candidate. Finally, if you are interested in helping and volunteering to help promote and protect our ability to hike and pack with goats, please reach out to NAPgA and let us know. We would love to talk to you about how you can help our causes.
Nominations Committee Chair Chris Gifford:Â
Contact NAPgA: