NAPgA 2019 Calendar Photo Contest is LIVE!
It’s that time of year for the celebrated annual NAPgA Calendar photo contest! Look through this past year’s photos and pick out your five best. Your goat could be famous in 2019!
Photo submissions will be taken through September 30th. These are the rules:
-Participants must be current NAPgA members
-Participants must put their name in their photo’s description field.
-Each participant may submit up to five photos.
-To qualify for a calendar page, photos MUST be in landscape orientation and high resolution. High resolution means at least 2500 x 1900 pixels.
If these qualifications are not met, your photo cannot be used for the calendar no matter how many votes it receives!
Instructions on how to access the Flickr account and upload your photos was emailed to all NAPgA members. If you did not receive this email, please use the contact form to get in touch with us and we’ll make sure you get that information.
Now let’s see those awesome packgoat photos!