Annual NAPgA Calendar Photo Contest is ON!
The ever-popular annual NAPgA Calendar photo contest is back! Look through your photos and pick out five favorites. Your goat could be famous in 2021!
Photo submissions will be taken through September 30th.
These are the rules:
-Participants must be current NAPgA members
-Participants must put their name in the photo’s description field or album cover.
-To qualify for a calendar page, photos MUST be in landscape orientation and high resolution. High resolution means at least 2500 x 1900 pixels.
If these qualifications are not met, your photo cannot be used for a main calendar page no matter how many votes it receives!
Here’s how to enter:
Go to NAPgA’s Flickr account:
Sign in to the NAPgAPhotos account. (Please contact us for the email/password as I cannot post it publicly here.)
If you have a personal Yahoo! account, you may have to log out of it in order to sign into the NAPgA account.
Flickr can be complicated to use, so please pay close attention to these instructions.
1. To upload photos, click the little cloud and arrow icon in the top right corner. Once your photos are on the page, click the blue “Upload” button in the top right corner.
2. You may upload up to five photos. Once your photos are uploaded, click the “Albums” link in the middle of the page. Click the “+ New Album” link found to the right of the existing albums.
3. A line of photos will appear along the bottom of the page. Drag your photos into your new album. Add your name to the album title so we know it’s yours.
4. Once your album is complete, click on each individual photo and add a title and description. In the description field please put the location of the photo, names of goats, people, photo credits, or other information you would like to include.
If you have any questions or trouble using the Flickr site, please contact us or email We are happy to help!
Let’s see some awesome packgoat photos!