2017 NAPgA Rendezvous, Lake City, CO
Round up those goats and get ready for the 2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in fabulous Lake City, Colorado June 15 -18!
We’ll camp at Pike Snowden Meadow about five miles west of Lake City on the Henson Creek Road. Click on the thumbnails below to see pictures of the camping area.
Activities include:
– Friday classes on a variety of packgoat subjects featuring speakers John Mionczynski, Clay Zimmerman, Carolyn Eddy, and Nan Hassey
– NAPgA fundraiser store
– Potluck and music at the campfire Friday and Saturday nights
– Saturday trail service project on Alpine Gulch Trail
– Saturday afternoon equipment “show and tell”
– Weather permitting, Sunday hike up Uncompahgre Peak
CLICK HERE for the complete schedule
Campground features:
– Nearby creek access for goat water
– Plenty of tree shade
– 1-mile hike to Nellie Creek Falls
– Short drive to Lake City
– Two easy miles to work project trail
You MUST bring certified weed-free hay (The BLM will be checking!). If you need certified hay, please contact Nan Hassey. Hay will be $10/bale.
email: nanhassey @ yahoo dot com
phone: 719-489-2732 (no text!)
Health certificates are required for all out-of-state goats. In the destination field, have your vet write “Camping 5 miles up Henson Creek Road (C.R. 20) at Nellie Creek intersection.”
The BLM is allowing us to camp in this location on the condition that we will keep the camping area clean and keep our goats contained. Goats in camp will need to be corralled or tethered and any leftover hay and bedding must be picked up every day. Goats must be kept where they can’t damage trees.
You can view the “Rendy Rules” and “Things to Bring” here:
Rules of the Rendy
Things to Bring
The Rendy store is NAPgA’s biggest fundraiser of the year! If you wish to donate items, please CLICK HERE for more information. Remember to bring cash or check so you can take home some of these wonderful items!